3 of the most common scalp issues and what to do about them

For many people, scalp issues are a part of their daily life. Dandruff, dry scalp, redness, itchiness and even sores are something they deal with all the time. If this is something you identify with, there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed about. Lots of people deal with scalp issues and manage to treat them and keep them under control.

If you find you have some issues with your scalp but don’t necessarily know what’s wrong, here are three of the most common scalp issues and what you can do to help treat them.

Seborrheic dermatitis

What is seborrheic dermatitis? It’s a scalp condition that commonly results in dandruff in adults. If you find you have yellowish or white scales on your scalp, you may have seborrheic dermatitis. It’s a pretty common issue and, although it may be embarrassing when it becomes visible, it’s not particularly harmful. However, your scalp may become itchy and if you scratch too hard and too frequently, you may end up with open sores or scabs. Other than that, it’s not serious.

Seborrheic dermatitis can be caused by many factors. These include stress, genetics, drastic change in weather, bad hygiene, oily skin or excessive fatigue. However, it could also be a symptom of another scalp issue, like psoriasis. So, if there are other problems with your scalp that may be related, speak to a professional.

Treatment depends on what in particular is causing the issue. If it’s simply flakey scalp that’s bothering you, the first thing you should try is using an anti-dandruff shampoo.    

Scalp psoriasis

What is scalp psoriasis? Well, it’s a rash consisting of pink or reddish raised patches with silver scales. Unlike seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis can become quite painful with itchiness, crusty sores and, in severe cases, bleeding. In some cases, it only covers small areas and in others, it can appear in larger patches.

It’s very difficult when it comes to treating scalp psoriasis. It’s not really about curing this scalp problem, it’s more about easing the symptoms. The best place to start is to visit a dermatologist to make sure you actually have psoriasis and to determine how severe it is. They may suggest steroids, biologics injections or an excimer laser – this all depends on how bad your situation is.   

Alopecia areata

What is alopecia? In essence, it’s an immune system problem that causes you to lose your hair. The symptoms range from hair breakage and loss of hair in small patches to large clumps of your hair coming out at once. Again, it all depends on how severe your case is.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for alopecia. However, the hair loss is not usually permanent and is likely to grow back within 12 months. Most people choose to wear hair pieces, shave their heads or style their hair in a concealing manner during this time. Of course, there are medical treatments to help with regrowth, like corticosteroids, anthralin and minoxidil.  

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